Quick Quality clean is dedicated to 5 Types of Cleaning

  1.CLEANING: Remove clutter, dust, crumbs, and other detritus.

  2.SANITIZING: Reduce germs and decrease the opportunity for microbes to gather by providing antibacterial solutions.

  3.DISINFECT: Destroy germs on contact by eradicating them where they live and inhibiting their spread at the source. EPA-approved disinfectants are the only products qualified to kill both viruses and bacteria, whereas sanitizers can only claim effectiveness on bacteria alone. Cleaning: Immediate, Maintenance &

 4.Maintenance Cleaning:   Cleaning tasks that are done regularly fall under this category. These are essentially scheduled tasks, like cleaning weekly or cleaning carpets in high traffic areas 1-4 times per year. When it comes to furnishings, keeping them clean not only ensures a healthier environment, it helps them last longer. It’s a common misconception that dirt accumulates more quickly after cleaning. This may be the case for some professional cleaners, who leave behind the detergent residue or even hidden dirt

 5.Immediate Cleaning:   Certain types of residue or contamination require immediate action to prevent odors or stains from lingering, or even becoming permanent.  Calling Quick- Quality-Clean can save a lot of headaches. It always best to bring in a professional.  Scrubbing of a long-ignored item can easily damage items The best practice is to follow a regular cleaning procedure.